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RGB Share small pitch LED display lands on Monitoring Center of Ningxia Hanas Natural Gas Group
Date:2018-09-14 Author:admin Read: 7101

RGB Share small pitch screen has one more show case, that is our 50㎡P1.56 LED screen to be installed in the Monitoring Center of Ningxia Hanas Natural Gas Group.


This project represents Ningxia Hanas Natural Gas Group making an important step on buliding Digitalize Gas Supply System. In the meantime, it proves that, RGB share new generation small pitch cabinet (600mm*337.5mm) highly recognized by the famous international enterprises and got approval of many companies.


The Monitoring Center of Ningxia Hanas Natural Gas Group is an integrated command center. It has the function of supply scheduling, pipe network distribution/inspection, customer hotline service, security monitor, and emergency treatment.

RGB share small pitch HD LED display combines with Ningxia Hanas Natural Gas Group primary business, to make the visualization and a great upgrade on the fields of the data management, the control system, the geographic information system, the customer relationship system, the pipe network run system.

In this center, the RGB share LED display is P1.56 pitch. The screen size is 50㎡, it is one of the biggest P1.56 small pitch LED display for monitoring center in China.

Specially emphasized, this project adopt RGB share new generation small pitch cabinet (600mm*337.5mm). This cabinet is front maintain, double power control, 3840Hz high refresh rate. The screen has exquisite picture quality and full true color. This cabinet has great advantage on industry because of advanced technology, comprehensive function, and stable running.

1.56mm high-density pitch supports the screen playing 8K HD picture. The monitoring center can have all-weather monitor on all area of natural gas supply.

Another point, RGB share small pitch HD LED display builds the video communication between hotline center and dispatching centre, so it gives much better fast support on natural gas supply and emergency treatment.


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